As not much of information about this is available elsewhere, we decided to bring it Cisco CCNA 200-301 Certification Practice Test Questions up for you so that you won’t face any hassles. In the article, we have summed up all the self-study programs that Cisco has launched for the new CCNA badge.
CCNA Guided Study Group
This is a 12-week study group program led-by the industry experts/coaches. Under this self-study program, weekly structured learning sessions are arranged once a week. Each session contains a step-by-step guide to prepare for the CCNA 200-301 exam. The course is going to launch on August 13, 2020. Besides the weekly sessions, you will also get the 4 months' access to the Cisco Solutions e-learning course for the CCNA on implementing and administering, alongside the Cisco Exam Review: Author: Leo I the CCNA after the enrolment. Also, you will get 1 certification exam voucher that you can redeem while registering for your test. Membership of the Cisco community is a bonus. In a nutshell, this study group includes a bit of every reliable self-study program.
CCNA Essential Webinar Series
Cisco has launched a three-episode webinar series intending to give an overview of the recent CCNA credential. Each episode focuses on two key domains of 200-301 exam. The series is available in English, where the first episode is 90 minutes long while the rest two are 60 minutes long. Instead of Gavin U gathering information from any random platform about the newly launched CCNA, referring to these webinars is a fair deal.
CCNA Prep Program
The CCNA Prep program is a step toward helping the candidates to prepare his/her self-study plan. This program will help you:
Practice Tests - Added Help to Pass CCNA 200-301 Test
The list of reliable and viable self-study materials for the CCNA won’t be considered worthy unless practice tests are mentioned in it. Practice tests are the easiest way to become aware of the test pattern, know the hot topics, master the time management skills, and hone the learning. With their help, a candidate can improve the final performance and aim at a higher score. As practice tests contain precisely crafted real-time questions of the previous CCNA exams, they can be trusted for sure. Practice tests Tyler C have been helpful at various fronts and helped the CCNA aspirants to pass 200-301 in the first attempt. Hence, don’t forget to include them in the check-list of self-study materials for the CCNA.
Ending Notes
Though the recent changes in the Cisco CCNA badge can create a bit of confusion, the right kind of guidance can curb it all. Cisco has offered a bunch of self-study assistance for all the CCNA aspirants. Referring to them Limit OFF 148$ will give you better clarity of the new-fangled CCNA 200-301 exam. Also, whether it’s the new CCNA or the old one, nothing changed when it comes to the viability of practice tests in your prep.