
Kate O’Brien prize for research papers on literary relations between Spain and Ireland

  • The University of Málaga, through the Aula María Zambrano de Estudios Transatlánticos, has created the Kate O’Brien prize for research papers on literary relations and/or gender perspective between Spain and Ireland.
  • The deadline for the reception of works will remain open until June 13th, 2020 and the economic allocation is 1,200€.

miércoles 16 de octubre de 2019, 19:05h
Kate O’Brien prize for research papers on literary relations between Spain and Ireland

Sent by José Antonio Sierra (JAS)

16OCT19 – MÁLAGA.- The Aula María Zambrano de Estudios Transatlánticos of the Universidad de Málaga (AMZET), in its commitment to promoting relations between Spain and Ireland, has created the Kate O'Brien research prize focusing on these relations between the two countries with a subject devoted to literature and/or women and gender perspective.

Kate O’Brien prize for research papers on literary relations between Spain and Ireland

The concourse for this prize will be open for nine months, until June 13th, 2020, and it will be open to professors, students and researchers from all over the world. The prize will be awarded with €1,200. The rest of the information on the conditions and requirements of the papers can be found in the terms and conditions of the award, published on the AMZET website.

After the creation of the Premio George Campbell, the third edition of which is being prepared, the Aula María Zambrano de Estudios Transatlánticos of the University of Málaga will once again count on José Antonio Sierra as patron of this new prize, which will be named after Kate O’Brien (1897-1974), an outstanding Irish writer, who throughout her life was interested in Spain through her work: Mary Lavelle, That Lady, Farewell Spain, and Teresa de Ávila.

This award is part of the Spain-Ireland Awards of the Aula María Zambrano de Estudios Transatlánticos of the University of Málaga, which seek to open new fields of research in various areas concerning relations between Spain and Ireland. To this end, three awards covering different disciplines have been devised. In addition to the George Campbell Prize and the Kate O'Brien Prize, the Robert Boyd Prize, which focuses on the historical relations between the two countries, will be created later.

The Aula María Zambrano de Estudios Transatlánticos of the University of Málaga, entity organizing the award, whose web page is available at www.uma.es/amzet, is an academic, inter-university and multidisciplinary initiative, which arises from the need to create collaborative links and knowledge transfer between the different countries that make up the Atlantic World.

Annex I To The Agreement On Business Collaboration In Activities Of General

Interest Signed By The University Of Málaga And Mr José Antonio Sierra

Lumbreras (Sponsorship).

Award Terms And Conditions

Article 1. Purpose

Mr José Antonio Sierra Lumbreras and the Univesity of Málaga, through the Aula María Zambrano

de Estudios Transatlánticos UMA – ATECH, in order to promote research and to stimulate interest

in relations between Spain and Ireland, announce the Kate O’Brien Award of the Aula María

Zambrano de Estudios Transatlánticos.

Article 2. Requirements for applicants

Professors, students and researchers from all over the world will be able to apply.

Article 3. Requirements of the papers

1. They must be research papers on the relations between Spain and Ireland dealing with

literature and/or women and gender perspective.

2. The paper shall contain at least the following sections: title, summary, key words,

introduction, methods, results (if the nature of the work so requires), conclusions and


3. The length should not be less than 150 pages. Excluded from this calculation are the

annexes and the used and cited references.

4. The text should have the following formatting: Word format; font, Times New Roman 12;

spacing 1.5; left and right margin 3 cm; upper and lower margins 2.5 cm, page A4.

5. Papers can be written in either Spanish or English.

6. They must be unpublished papers that have not previously received any award.

Article 4. Allocation and amount

The total amount will be €1,200 for each round. The Prizes will be awarded as follows:

- €1,200 for the best paper.

- Secondary award for the second-best paper


Article 5. Application Submission

Applications should be submitted by post to the following address:

Aula María Zambrano de Estudios Transatlánticos

C/ Arquitecto Francisco Peñalosa, 18

Edificio de Investigación Ada Byron

Ampliación del Campus de Teatinos,

Universidad de Málaga

29071, Málaga (España)

The following documentation must be included:

1. Application form

2. Copy of the paper

3. Copy of ID card

4. Short CV

Applicants are also requested to send a copy of all of the above, including the paper, to the following

e-mail address aulamz@uma.es.

Applications must be submitted up to nine months from the day following the publication of this

announcement on the website. www.uma.es/amzet.

Article 6. Application Assessment

Applications received within the deadline and in the correct form will be assessed by a Selection

Committee made up of the following:

- Head ot the Aula María Zambrano de Estudios Transatlánticos, or person to whom s/he


- Professor Doctor of the University of Malaga

- International advisor of the Aula María Zambrano de Estudios Transatlánticos.

- Two representatives from Irish universities or institutions.

The Selection Committee, once the submitted papers have been evaluated, will publish the

resolution on the aforementioned website. It will also personally notify the prize winners by e-mail.

Failure to comply with the notification, plagiarism, as well as the concealment of data, its alteration

or any manipulation by the applicant, will be cause for rejecting the application.

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