
European Observatory on Gerontomigration Press Bulletin

Sent by José Antonio Sierra (CCLAM)

martes 07 de febrero de 2017, 00:20h

07FEB17.-Mayor’s ‘padron’ appeal”, Mr Sanchez and Councillor Hilde Backaert … ear a 2 million Euro cut to central government grants unless the official population figures are updated. … the two politicians appealed to the foreign press … to urge people to sign the register … “It is very important to maintain our services and the quality of our services…

New push for right to vote”, Costa del Sol News, 03 | 02 | 2017 - Noticia

Expat campaigner Harry Shindler MBE has sent out a message to Britons abroad over the Conservative government’s promise to give all UK citizens the right to vote in elections. … The war veteran … said that the ‘Vote for Life’ Bill is being prepared by the UK government, and has urged for it to be pushed through quickly as a short bill.

British expat group publishes alternative white paper on government Brexit negotiations”, The Olive Press, 02 | 02 | 2017 - Noticia

'UK Citizens in Europe - Towards an Alternative White Paper' demands protection for expats

Dudas y miedo entre los 'expats' británicos en España tras el 'brexit': "Hay que hacer algo"", 20minutos, 02 | 02 | 2017 - Reportaje (Mirentxu Mariño)

Ciudadanos británicos expatriados y residentes en España se organizan e informan sobre su futuro tras el brexit para defender sus derechos Las negociaciones no han comenzado oficialmente —será, previsiblemente, en marzo— y no saben qué pasará con su trabajo, pensiones o sanidad. Los hay que piensan en adquirir la nacionalidad, también algunos estadounidenses; la llegada de Trump a la Casa Blanca ha causado inquietud.

"British expats in Europe cost NHS £674m a year", iExpats.com, 31 | 01 | 2017 - Reportaje (Lisa Smith)

British expat pensioners ... vastly outnumber their counterparts from the Europe in the UK. ... Private medical insurance is cheaper in Spain than in the UK, but a couple in their early 50s should expect to pay around £60 a month – equivalent to £720 a year. ... retired expats with existing health problems should expect to pay more and to have some conditions excluded from their policies.

The British Costa exodus continues with the loss of 5,000 in a single year”, Sur in English, 27 | 01 | 2017 - Noticia

The loss of spending power, fiscal pressure and ageing explain why so many British people are no longer on the population registers in Malaga

UK aims for ‘frictionless’ holiday travel for Brits to Spain post-Brexit”, Euro Weekly News, 27 | 01 | 2017 - Noticia

Ministers in the UK are exploring how to make it easier for Britons to holiday in Spain post-Brexit, amid calls for visa-free travel across Europe.

"Británicos dominan el mercado de turismo residencial en España", Pueblo y Sociedad Noticias, 26 | 01 | 2017 - Noticia

El principal mercado del turismo residencial en España atrajo a compradores de casi dos decenas de países, entre el inicio de 2015 y el primer semestre de 2016, de acuerdo con los resultados preliminares del SIR-Turismo Residencial anunciados este jueves durante la Conferencia Nacional del Turismo Residencial y de Golf. ... Los compradores del Reino Unido ...siguen dominando el mercado...

Spain - Elderly Care”, Expat Focus, sin fecha - Opinion/Promoción (Sanyres)

Retirement homes are only just becoming popular in Spain. … some developers have spotted the gap in the market and are now planning many retirement complexes and care homes which will be aimed at the expat market.

Brexit blocked: Brits living in Spain face more uncertainty after Supreme Court ruling”, Daily Star, 24 | 01 | 2017 - Reportaje (Tom Evans)

…independent political commentator Paul Quigley said: “Expats … went over there for the sun and the luxury lifestyle but what happens when they can’t afford it anymore? … Brits could well have to start packing their bags because Spain simply cannot do a bilateral deal with us.” … British pensioners overseas are even more concerned. Not only do they face a higher cost of living but the government is yet to commit to maintaining healthcare. … The International Consortium of British Pensioners – who fight for elderly Britons' rights overseas – … Chairman … told … “There are 488,000 UK pensioners living in the EU with over 135,000 of them living in Ireland, and another 108,000 living in Spain. “As a result of Brexit negotiations, they may lose the annual increase to their UK state pension and over a 20 year period a UK pensioner will be £50,000 poorer as a result. This may result in them leaving their EU country of choice and going back to the UK…”

‘Expats living in LIMBO’ Britons in Spain may be forced home as Brexit is ‘crowning jewel’”, Express, 24 | 01 | 2017 - Reportaje (Katie Mansfield)

As well as rising prices, uncertainty over healthcare is also making some British pensioners consider returning home.

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