22JAN17.- “Frozen pensions fear”, Costa News, Campaigners have raised the fear that the British government could freeze state pensions for expats when the UK pulls out of the European Union.
“The exodus of British subjects from Málaga provinces reached 5,000 during 2015”, Typically Spanish, 20 | 01 | 2017 - Noticia
The loss of purchasing power, fiscal pressure and ageing explain the fall in the number of registered foreign residents, mostly British which over the three previous years saw a 34% fall in numbers
”La fuga de británicos se acelera en la provincia de Málaga con 5.000 residentes menos en un año", Sur, 20 | 01 | 2017 - Noticia
Aunque sigue siendo la nacionalidad extranjera más presente en la provincia, con 50.888 residentes, la británica está en franca regresión cuando ni siquiera han empezado a manifestarse los efectos del ‘Brexit’. ... no todos los británicos que dejan de estar empadronados se han marchado. Algunos se dan de baja para no figurar como residentes en España y eludir la declaración de bienes que impuso en 2013 el Ministerio de Hacienda a los residentes extranjeros. ... El municipio más afectado por la pérdida de población extranjera es, con diferencia, Mijas... Le siguen Málaga ... Estepona ... Marbella ... y Benalmádena...
“British expat in Spain demands Brexit committee take urgent action to protect nationals abroad”, The Olive Press, 19 | 01 | 2017 - Noticia
British nationals … want the Brexit select committee to compel the government to guarantee EU nationals’ rights in the UK to encourage EU states to reciprocate.
“British expats in Spain tell Brexit committee 'You must act now to protect us’”, The Local, 18 | 01 | 2017 - Noticia
British nationals living in Spain and other European countries have urged UK Prime Minister Theresa May to make a speedy and "magnanimous gesture" to help secure their futures.
"Hundreds of thousands of retired Britons in EU 'may be forced to return'", The Guardian, 18 | 01 | 2017 - Noticia
Campaigners say pensioners in countries such as Spain will have to go back to UK if they can no longer get free healthcare
"Retired Britons living abroad in the EU may lose subsidised NHS healthcare post-Brexit", International Business Times, 18 | 01 | 2017 - Noticia
The concerns were raised at the House of Commons Brexit Select Committee meeting on Wednesday 18 January.
"Hard Brexit means retiring later, Britons warned", The Guardian, 15 | 01 | 2017 - Noticia
Rises in the state pension age are anticipated as a result of increased life expectancy and large numbers of baby boomers retiring. But further delays to pension payments will be necessary if current levels of immigration, which sustain the country’s old age dependency ratio, are not maintained, the OxfordUniversity work indicates.
"UK expats need EU healthcare more than Europeans need NHS", International Adviser, 12 | 01 | 2017 - Noticia
A greater number of British expats rely on European healthcare under the UK’s reciprocal healthcare agreements than European pensioners living on the UK, who use the NHS, according to figures obtained by the BBC.
Últimas noticias OEG
Publicado el Boletín OEG de Investigación nº 11, enero de 2017, Informe/Acta del seminario “La asistencia sanitaria transfronteriza: desafíos actuales”, organizado por la Red Temática Local de la UMA “Sanidad y Gerontomigraciones”. Autora: Elsa M. Álvarez.