El Instituto Cervantes de Nueva Delhi y la Embajada de Guatemala en India tienen el placer de invitarle al Ciclo de cine guatemalteco que será inaugurado el domingo 4 de agosto a las 4:30pm en el auditorio del Instituto Cervantes. El ciclo arrancará con la proyección de la película "Trip", dirigida por Fran Lepe.
The Instituto Cervantes of New Delhi and the Embassy of Guatemala in India cordially invite you to the Guatemalan film series that will be opening on Sunday 4th June at 4:30pm at the auditorium of Instituto Cervantes.
The film "Trip", shooted by Fran Lepe, will be screened in the opening session.
Auditorio, a las 4:30 pm
Ciclo de cine guatemalteco: "Trip"
Desde su camerino, Pablo Vera recibe la tercera llamada para salir a escena, donde debe interpretar su papel en la obra. Pero el espejo donde se termina de maquillar le devuelve imágenes de su pasado; y en ese vértigo antes de enfrentarse al público, se despliega un laberinto narrativo donde Vera comienza a reconstruir su extensa relación con las drogas, que atravesaron toda su biografía como una ráfaga.
Guatemalan film series: "Trip"
Pablo Vera is called for a third time now in his dressing room, to appear on the stage where he has to act in the play. However, the mirror he is looking into and finishing his make-up is showing him images of his past. At that moment, when he has to face the public, a flashback of his life unfolds reconstructing his close relation with drugs that passed through his life like a lightning.
Auditorio, a las 4:30 pm
Ciclo de cine guatemalteco: "La bodega"
Una joven es brutalmente asaltada por pandilleros. Las autoridades no saben nada y no cuentan con sospechoso alguno. De ese modo, la chica deviene en una víctima más de una sociedad donde miles de mujeres son asaltadas al año. Jacobo, hermano de la víctima, junto con Antonio, su mejor amigo, deciden vengarse con sus propias manos y secuestran a un pandillero de la calle, para golpearlo y torturarlo en una bodega abandonada. Las repercusiones de sus acciones se harán evidentes y tendrán que tomar una decisión que afectará sus vidas para siempre.
Guatemalan film series: “The warehouse”
A young woman is brutally assaulted by gang members in the middle of Guatemala City. As usual, the authorities have no suspects or leads, leaving the girl to become one more victim in a society where thousands of women are assaulted every year. Jacobo, the victim's brother, along with Antonio, his best friend, decide in their frustration to extract some their kind of revenge. They kidnap a random gang member from the streets and drive him to an abandoned warehouse, where they torture and beat him. But the consequences of their acts will soon become evident and they will have to make a decision that will affect their lives forever
Auditorio, a las 4:30 pm
Ciclo de cine guatemalteco: "Cápsulas"
Fonsi es un niño que se siente incómodo viviendo una vida peligrosa con su madre y su novio, un narcotraficante. Ellos se involucran en problemas serios y deben huir del país. Fonsi es secuestrado por su padre y tendrá la oportunidad de iniciar una nueva relación con él y ver la vida desde una nueva perspectiva.
Guatemalan film series: “Capsules”
Fonsi is a child who isn´t comfortable living a dangerous life with his mother and her boyfriend, who is a drug trafficker. They get involved in serious problems and have to escape from the country. Fonsi is kidnapped by his father and then, he will have the opportunity to start a new relationship with him and look at life from a new perspective
Auditorio, a las 4:30h
Ciclo de cine guatemalteco: "Las Cruces"
Veinte años atrás, en medio de la más terrible guerra civil sufrida por el país, Las Cruces era una pequeña aldea de agricultores en la base de un hermoso volcán en medio de la jungla Guatemalteca. Las Cruces fue destruida, incendiada y su población brutalmente masacrada por tropas élite del gobierno. La verdad detrás del crimen es una historia de gran heroísmo y al mismo tiempo de engaño, una increíble historia de guerra y muerte desconocida por todos, excepto aquellos que estuvieron allí y lo vivieron. Hoy, dos de los sobrevivientes arrojan un poco de luz acerca de los horrores que sucedieron aquella fatídica noche.
Guatemalan Film Series: "The crosses"
Twenty years ago, as Guatemala’s civil war was at its worst, Las Cruces was a humble farmers' village at the base of a beautiful volcano in the country’s wilderness. Set ablaze, and its people brutally murdered, Las Cruces was destroyed by elite government troops. The truth behind the crime, it would seem, is a story of extreme heroism paralleled with deceit... an incredible tale of war and death unknown to all but to those who were there and lived through it. In this film, two of the survivors shed light on the horror that took place that fateful night.